Black Desert Trade Run
By : UnknownHello ^o^ whatsup guys. Our community have a little information for trade run black desert online
requirment :
You should have a donkey(mount) or difficult to do
Destination nodes must activated
Empty load enough for bring trade items run
You should have a money for buy trade run items
*Klik disini untuk membuka info node = click for open the node information
*Klik ini untuk membuka syarat route node disini agar aktif = Click there for open requirment node route
*setelah itu akan muncul route yang harus dituju terlebih dahulu dan aktif kan node yang keluar di route tersebut ! baru node yang disana bisa di aktifkan = and then the destination route (nodes route) will appear and you can activate the node showup at map, after that, node can be activate
*The right arrow is mean for activate the node
*If all has activated , the node will colored red and ready for trade run
OK. lets activate the nodes (you can check pict 1- 4 for more clearly), if all the nodes activated you could do trade run unlimited.
*Sell item
*Otomatis item trade run akan masuk ke donkey jika barang yang ditas donkey tidak penuh = Automatically the items trade run will go to donkey, if the stuff on up side donkey not full
*Harga jual 99 untung 455 = the selling price is 99 and advantage is 455
*Ini adalah effect kalau node sudah di aktifkan lebih dahulu , kalau tidak terkena pinalty harga akan menjadi 30% = this is effect if the node has activated first, if not get pinalty the price will be 30%
And you can check the price at waggon icon on worldmap, but you need 1 energy for checking the price meanwhile trade run no need energy
Goodluck ^o^
requirment :
You should have a donkey(mount) or difficult to do
Destination nodes must activated
Empty load enough for bring trade items run
You should have a money for buy trade run items
*Klik disini untuk membuka info node = click for open the node information
*Klik ini untuk membuka syarat route node disini agar aktif = Click there for open requirment node route
*setelah itu akan muncul route yang harus dituju terlebih dahulu dan aktif kan node yang keluar di route tersebut ! baru node yang disana bisa di aktifkan = and then the destination route (nodes route) will appear and you can activate the node showup at map, after that, node can be activate
*The right arrow is mean for activate the node
*If all has activated , the node will colored red and ready for trade run
OK. lets activate the nodes (you can check pict 1- 4 for more clearly), if all the nodes activated you could do trade run unlimited.
*Sell item
*Otomatis item trade run akan masuk ke donkey jika barang yang ditas donkey tidak penuh = Automatically the items trade run will go to donkey, if the stuff on up side donkey not full
*Harga jual 99 untung 455 = the selling price is 99 and advantage is 455
*Ini adalah effect kalau node sudah di aktifkan lebih dahulu , kalau tidak terkena pinalty harga akan menjadi 30% = this is effect if the node has activated first, if not get pinalty the price will be 30%
And you can check the price at waggon icon on worldmap, but you need 1 energy for checking the price meanwhile trade run no need energy
Goodluck ^o^
2016 Daum to bring Black Desert next year to the western market
By : UnknownBad news for na/eu players.
Black Desert is coming much earlier than excepted to the european and the north america markets Daum Games CEO "Sean Hong" announced on a press conference that their goal is to bring Black Desert to western market in 2015, soo i think 2015 is cbt for na/eu servers. and Brian Oh from Pearl Abyss also confirmed this news to us today.
You can check also in black desert fansite about this information
And what the reason for this ?
The reason why bringin Black Desert to eu and na prematurely is probable because of the increased hype and positive feedback from the western community. Daum is actually a Korean Publisher and theire deciced to west market because they couldn't find a suitable publisher in eu/na for Black Desert. Since Daum is publishing the game in Korea as well, we can assume that, Black Desert is going to be a Free to Play tittle, just as it is in Korea . Lets hope that Daum can meet the appointed day. Thats is written in Black Desert Fansite ^o^
Apparently, the information we got from PA is wrong. Daum just told us that 2016 is still the scheduled year for the release... Oh no.. we must wait 2015 for cbt and 2016 for obt guys.. lets be patient
Apparently, the information we got from PA is wrong. Daum just told us that 2016 is still the scheduled year for the release... Oh no.. we must wait 2015 for cbt and 2016 for obt guys.. lets be patient
A little tips for looking money from fishing Black Desert
By : UnknownYou should get perfect when fishing , you will get a fish, sometimes you'll get a trash if not perfect . And then you can sell a few fish to npc (check in map you'll see waggon icon).
*Tempat penjualan hasil ikan = Fish Auction
Every items have a different price, if alot person selling the same items it will be lower prices
Your items results from fishing have a expired,if not immediately sold after fishing , it will be rotten fish , but u can still selling them (fishes) and decrease -30% of price
*Harga jual = Selling Price
*Klik untuk menjual = Click for selling
sorry a description in picture is our country language , and sorry im english still suck
This pictures i took from our black desert group :)
Black Desert OBT Graphic Settings English Explanation
By : UnknownYeah SandaouTV share this video might help you guys , black desert graphic settings english explanation ^o^
WOW Awesome more than 12.000 character Black Desert
By : UnknownReally awesome this game.. you can make more than 12.000 character customization, this picture i'm take from blackdaumsite and many more character you can make with your imagination. Happy creating ^o^
By : Unknown
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