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- Black Desert Trade Run
Posted by : Unknown
Friday, December 19, 2014
Hello ^o^ whatsup guys. Our community have a little information for trade run black desert online
requirment :
You should have a donkey(mount) or difficult to do
Destination nodes must activated
Empty load enough for bring trade items run
You should have a money for buy trade run items
*Klik disini untuk membuka info node = click for open the node information
*Klik ini untuk membuka syarat route node disini agar aktif = Click there for open requirment node route
*setelah itu akan muncul route yang harus dituju terlebih dahulu dan aktif kan node yang keluar di route tersebut ! baru node yang disana bisa di aktifkan = and then the destination route (nodes route) will appear and you can activate the node showup at map, after that, node can be activate
*The right arrow is mean for activate the node
*If all has activated , the node will colored red and ready for trade run
OK. lets activate the nodes (you can check pict 1- 4 for more clearly), if all the nodes activated you could do trade run unlimited.
*Sell item
*Otomatis item trade run akan masuk ke donkey jika barang yang ditas donkey tidak penuh = Automatically the items trade run will go to donkey, if the stuff on up side donkey not full
*Harga jual 99 untung 455 = the selling price is 99 and advantage is 455
*Ini adalah effect kalau node sudah di aktifkan lebih dahulu , kalau tidak terkena pinalty harga akan menjadi 30% = this is effect if the node has activated first, if not get pinalty the price will be 30%
And you can check the price at waggon icon on worldmap, but you need 1 energy for checking the price meanwhile trade run no need energy
Goodluck ^o^